Analyzing Study Results
Review and interpret study data using Heatmaps, AOIs, and scan paths.
- Areas Of Interest (AOIs)
- Heatmaps: how to read and interpret them
- Data export: CSV files
- CSV file: AOI Metrics per participant
- CSV file: Quality Stats
- Downloading CSV files with custom set fixation filters
- Downloading raw data CSV filtered by the item quality grade
- CSV file: Keyboard and Mouse Overall Stats
- CSV file: Survey results
- CSV: AOIs Fixation Order
- CSV file: Fixations
- CSV file: Raw Gazes and Raw gazes denoised
- Recordings & Scanpaths
- Data export - all CSV files available
- Data Chart
- Facial coding and K-coefficient
- How to download the recording
- What is AOI?
- Heatmap customization (point, size, shadow)
- How to get accurate results?
- CSV file: AOI overall stats
- CSV file: AOI fixation stats
- CSV file: Raw Facial Coding
- Downloading AOI related CSV files filtered by the item quality grade
- Drop-rate CSV
- Sharing results
- What is a heatmap, view map and fog map?
- Copy AOI from one study item to another
- Recording view options
- CSV file: raw gazes denoised, normalized and split
- CSV file: AOI click count