CSV file: Quality Stats
There is an option to download the Quality Stats in the form of a CSV file. This file contains the following fields:
- string study_id - UUID,
- string item_id - UUID,
- string item_filename - the name of your file, as it was named while adding to the study,
- string item_cdn_url - URL to the tested item saved on our servers,
- string participant_id - UUID,
- string participant_external_id - UUID (in case you provide one by connecting the study with an external tool, i.e., a survey),
- string participant_display_name - a name that a participant gives while asked about a name, gender, and age at the end of the study (if you have chosen that option), i.e., "Anna, Female, 27",
- string participant_tags - tags assigned to a participant (added by the study owner),
- int participant_quality_grade - participant's grade from 1 to 6 where:
- 1 = very low,
- 2 = low,
- 3 = average,
- 4 = good,
- 5 = very good,
- 6 = perfect;
- int participant_quality_grade_item - item's grade from 1 to 6 where:
- 1 = very low,
- 2 = low,
- 3 = average,
- 4 = good,
- 5 = very good,
- 6 = perfect;
- int test_item_display_order - a number indicating the order in which the items were displayed,
- int exposure_number - (only applicable for Website Mockup studies) indicates the time the participant saw an item, i.e., 1 means that the participant saw this item for the first time,
- int data_integrity - informs about how many gaps in the data collected there are,
- int gaze_on_screen - informs about how much of the eye-tracking test time participant looked at the screen.
- int sampling_rate - informs about how many samples per second are collected (30 Hz means that each second, on average, 30 samples are collected),
- int gaze_vs_click_accuracy - (if applicable) informs about the difference (distance) between the gaze and click (in the moment of clicking) - this parameter may not be reliable, as people may click on a particular area, without looking at it,
- int gaze_count - number of gazes on the item counted for the participant,
- int fixation_count - number of fixations on the item counted for the participant,
- notes - this column contains:
- RealEye version,
- fixation filter settings:
- gazepoint interpolation (Hz) - to improve calculations we interpolate the data to 60 Hz;
- gazepoint interpolation max gap (ms) - we interpolate data if the timestamp gap between two input values is not bigger than this value (50 ms);
- gaze velocity threshold;
- min. fixation duration (Ms);
- max. fixation duration (Ms);
- moving median range (Ms);
- saccade max duration (Ms);
- TestCriteria - data was downloaded for participants:
- age=min:max,
- isGenderMale={true/false},
- isGenderFemale={true/false},
- isGenderOther={true/false},
- isGenderNotSpecified={true/false},
- exposureNumber={from 1 to max exposure number},
- qualityMin={from1 to 6},
- qualityMax={from 1 to 6},
- tags={tag1},{tag2},...,
- keys=KEY{anykey},
- isParticipantTypeRealEye={true/false},
- isParticipantTypeNonRealEye={true/false},
- isDeviceDesktop={true/false},
- isDeviceSmartphone={true/false},
- isDeviceTablet={true/false},
- isSetupLocal={true/false},
- isSetupMouse={true/false},
- isSetupOpengaze={true/false},
- timestamp of when the file was downloaded.