Publications featuring RealEye
Learn about RealEye's role in eye-tracking research through various academic and industry publications.
RealEye has been mentioned in various publications, including industry blogs, scientific research papers, and media articles. These references cover its use in eye-tracking research, UX design, marketing analytics, and behavioral studies. Below is a list of publications that have discussed RealEye and its applications. For more examples, visit our blog: RealEye in Action.
RealEye's Publications
- RealEye White Paper
- Wisiecka, K., Krejtz, K., Krejtz, I., & Duchowski, A. (2022, November). Dynamics of visual attention during online lectures - evidence from webcam eye tracking. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 1220-1230). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Wisiecka, K., Krejtz, K., Krejtz, I., Sromek, D., Cellary, A., Lewandowska, B., & Duchowski, A. (2022, June). Comparison of webcam and remote eye tracking. In 2022 Symposium on eye tracking research and applications (pp. 1-7).
- Cellary, A. (2020, October 22). Heineken 0.0 video campaign: A case study with facial coding. Medium.
- Cellary, A. (2020, May 18). RealEye webcam eye-tracking tool vs. AI-generated results: Comparison. Medium.
- Cellary, A. (2019, August 12). How can you know if your billboard is catchy enough to generate leads in today’s ever-changing market? Medium.
- Cellary, A. (2019, July 2). How Uber changed its main page to optimize conversion: Investigated with eye-tracking tool. UX Planet.
Scientific Articles
- Sakas, D. P., Giannakopoulos, N. T., & Trivellas, P. (2024). Exploring affiliate marketing's impact on customers' brand engagement and vulnerability in the online banking service sector. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 42(6), 1282-1312.
- Wielgopolan, A., & Imbir, K. K. (2024). More than just ambivalence: The perception of emotionally ambiguous words on the spaces of origin and activation indexed by behavioural and webcam-based eye-tracking correlates. Language and Cognition, 16(2), 401-424.
- Yansen, E., Faqih, A., Felicia, F., Tannaka, G., & Pratiwi, G. (2024). Facial coding study of the effect of halal claims on purchase intention of electronic products: Linking Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, 5(5), 994-1002.
- Federico, G., Osiurak, F., Brandimonte, M. A., Salvatore, M., & Cavaliere, C. (2023). The visual encoding of graspable unfamiliar objects. Psychological Research, 87(2), 452-461.
- Andreoli, T. P., & de Assis Vieira, B. (2022). "Oi, Meu Nome É…" x" Me Poupe": Influenciadores Digitais e a Reação dos Consumidores. Revista Gestão & Conexões, 11(1), 39-60.
- Ponce, B. V. A., & Garay, G. O. R. (2022). Actitud del prosumidor ante la publicidad bumper de YouTube: Un análisis de seguimiento ocular. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación, (56), 143-163.
- Zhong, S., Rosset, L., Papinutto, M., Lalanne, D., & Alavi, H. S. (2022). Binaural audio in hybrid meetings: Effects on speaker identification, comprehension, and user experience. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW2), 1-24.
- Andreoli, T. P., & Nogueira, A. C. V. (2021). Falsos discursos mercadológicos. Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração, 15(2), 69-87.
- Federico, G., Ferrante, D., Marcatto, F., & Brandimonte, M. A. (2021). How the fear of COVID-19 changed the way we look at human faces. PeerJ, 9, e11380.
- Federico, G., Osiurak, F., & Brandimonte, M. A. (2021). Hazardous tools: the emergence of reasoning in human tool use. Psychological Research, 1-11.
- Federico, G., Osiurak, F., Reynaud, E., & Brandimonte, M. A. (2021). Semantic congruency effects of prime words on tool visual exploration. Brain and Cognition, 152, 105758.
- Fazio, M., Reitano, A., & Loizzo, M. R. (2020). Consumer preferences for new products: Eye tracking experiment on labels and packaging for olive oil based dressing. In Proceedings (Vol. 70, No. 1). MDPI.
- Silva-Torres, J. J., Martínez-Martínez, L., & Cuesta-Cambra, U. (2020). Diseño de un modelo de atención visual para campañas de comunicación. El caso de la Covid-19. Profesional de la Información, 29(6).
- Federico, G., & Brandimonte, M. A. (2019). Tool and object affordances: an ecological eye-tracking study. Brain and cognition, 135, 103582.
Theses and Educational Research
- Kyrk, J., & Gagas Piechowiak, S. (2023). Eye-tracking over source code: A benchmarking extension to evaluate the accuracy of EyesOnTheCode (Bachelor’s thesis). Department of Communication, Quality Management and Information Systems, Mid Sweden University.sch
- Navarrete Benalcazar, R. P. (2022). Transformación digital del marketing tradicional: Caso de estudio “Premium Level” (Bachelor's thesis). Universidad Técnica del Norte, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas.
- Pūkienė, I. (2022). Vizualiojo vartotojų dėmesio, jo stimulų ir požiūrio į reklamą sąsajos tradicinių ir neuromarketingo tyrimų integravimo kontekste (Master's thesis). Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Economics and Business.
- Albrektson, M., & Xia, C. (2021). Designing the navigation to e-services: Improving the accessibility and usability to report a crime or loss at the Swedish Police Authority’s website (Master's thesis). Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg.
- Lundberg, C. A., & Smith, L. (2021). Investigation of Embedded Brand Placement within Esports (Dissertation). Jönköping University.
- Vaculčíková, S. (2021). Neuromarketing a spotřební chování (Master's thesis). University of Tomas Bata in Zlín, Faculty of Multimedia Communications.
- Bel Ferreres, A. C. (2020). Metodologia per estudis d'enginyeria kansei fent servir mesures fisiològiques (Bachelor's thesis). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
- Alsalem, T. S., Alismail, M. A., & Alshamari, M. A. (2022). A combined approach for usability evaluation of an e-commerce website: Remote usability testing, eye-tracking, and SUS techniques. In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction 2022; and Game and Entertainment Technologies 2022.
- Caneppele, N. R., Serra, F. A. R., & Pinochet, L. H. C. (2022). Influence of professional profile and organizational structure in the allocation of attention of individuals. In Proceedings of the X SINGEP and 10th International Conference of the CYRUS Institute of Knowledge. Centro Universitário Unihorizontes, UNINOVE – Universidade Nove de Julho, Universidade Federal de São Paulo.
- Sandubete, J. E., Rodríguez-Fuertes, A., & Reinares-Lara, P. (2022). Analysis of the impact of the teacher’s presence in an online training session on students using the eye-tracking technique. In ICERI2022 Proceedings (pp. 4629-4638). IATED.
- Sarvi, F., Heuss, M., Aliannejadi, M., Schelter, S., & de Rijke, M. (2022). Understanding and mitigating the effect of outliers in fair ranking. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (pp. 861-869).
Other publications
- Vigo, E. (2020, October 22). Eye-tracking tramite webcam. Toolperstartup.
- Birska, E. (2020, May 28). Real eye – innowacyjna technologia eye-trackingowa. Mspark.
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