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CSV file: Raw Gazes and Raw gazes denoised


Exporting raw eye-tracking test results and using them.

You may get all test results from any study as CSV file.

To get the CSV file, simply click the "Save Results CSV" button on the study's dashboard (see also: Export AOI data).

CSV file contains the following fields:

  • string participant_id - UUID,
  • string participant_external_id - UUID,
  • int participant_age - participant's age given at the end of the study; could be undefined if the participant did not provide this info,
  • int participant_gender - participant's gender given at the end of the study: 0 - female, 1 - male, 2 - other; could be undefined if the participant did not provide this info,
  • string participant_display_gender - participant's gender given at the end of the study; could be undefined if the participant did not provide this info,
  • string participant_tags - tags assigned to the participant (added by study owner),
  • int participant_quality_grade - participant's grade from 1 to 6 where:
  • 1 = very low,
  • 2 = low,
  • 3 = average,
  • 4 = good,
  • 5 = very good,
  • 6 = perfect;
  • int participant_quality_grade_item - item's grade from 1 to 6 where:
  • 1 = very low,
  • 2 = low,
  • 3 = average,
  • 4 = good,
  • 5 = very good,
  • 6 = perfect;
  • string item_id - UUID,
  • string test_id - UUID,
  • timestamp test_created_at - when a participant provided the result,
  • int test_duration_ms - stimuli view time in ms (it may be shorter than defined in settings due to image mapping with clicks),
  • int test_browser_width_px - participant’s screen width in pixels,
  • int test_browser_height_px - participant’s screen height in pixels,
  • int test_item_display_order - a number indicating the order in which the items were displayed,
  • int exposure_number - (only applicable for Website Mockup studies) indicates the time the participant saw an item, i.e., 1 means that the participant saw this item for the first time,
  • JSON ARRAY test_raw_data - gazeInfo[], an array of info about gaze as shown below:
  • int gazeInfo[0] - gaze point position on the screen (X-axis pixels from top-left corner). NOTE: It could be less than 0 or more than test_browser_width. The participant could be looking out of the screen.
  • int gazeInfo[1] - gaze point position on the screen (Y-axis pixels from top-left corner). NOTE: It could be less than 0 or more than test_browser_height. The participant could be looking out of the screen.
  • int gazeInfo[2] - time in ms since the beginning of the test.
  • float gazeInfo[3] - Y scroll offset in pixels (in case the participant was using the scroll).
  • float gazeInfo[4] - X position of mouse cursor in pixels (from top-left corner).
  • float gazeInfo[5] - Y position of mouse cursor in pixels (from top-left corner).
  • boolean|undefined gazeInfo[6] - indicating if the participant has clicked at that time; if not clicked then this data is not included.
For the "Raw gazes denoised" CSV the eyes posiotions in this array are already calculated due to the noice reduction level set (not raw samples).
  • string external_data_debug - all the external variables assigned to the participant (if applicable),
  • notes:
  • RealEye version,
  • (for denoised data) fixation filter settings:
  • gazepoint interpolation (Hz) - to improve calculations we interpolate the data to 60 Hz;
  • gazepoint interpolation max gap (ms) - we interpolate data if the timestamp gap between two input values is not bigger than this value (50 ms);
  • gaze velocity threshold;
  • min. fixation duration (Ms);
  • max. fixation duration (Ms);
  • moving median range (Ms);
  • saccade max duration (Ms);
  • participantQualityGradeItemMin=X - CSV file can be downloaded filtered by the item quality grade, where X is a value from 1 (very low) to 6 (perfect),
  • timestamp of when the file was downloaded.
Please be aware that test_raw_data for every participant will most likely contain a different number of gazeInfo. That's because the gaze-tracking sampling rate varies depending on the webcam, participant's computer performance and subscribed plan.

Example CSV file:


From following data


we can tell, for example, that participant's id was "660ea005-d031-4c20-914c-b94d13c94497", the age was "35", "male", the whole test took 20000 ms, the screen resolution was "2048 x 1019".

Now let's take a single gazeInfo


This data tells us that the participant was looking around the "933 x 47" pixels of his screen, "365" ms, since the test item had been exposed. "0" means the image has not been scrolled. His/her mouse cursor was at the "1073 x 725" pixel of his screen. The participant has not clicked a mouse at that moment.


Please note that data export to CSV file is available only for plans with the "Export data" feature.


See the CSV files for the sample study:

See also: Downloading raw data CSV filtered by the item quality grade