CSV: AOIs Fixation Order
Besides the Raw Data CSV, AOI data, and fixation data, for some researchers is important to know the order in which the AOIs were noticed.
This CSV file contains the following fields:
- string study_id - UUID,
- string item_id - UUID,
- string item_filename - the name of your file, as it was named while adding to the study,
- string item_cdn_url - URL to the tested item saved on our servers,
- string participant_id - UUID,
- string participant_external_id - UUID (in case you provide one by connecting the study with an external tool, i.e., a survey),
- string participant_display_name - a name that a participant gives while asked about a name, gender, and age at the end of the study (if you have chosen that option), i.e., "Anna, Female, 27",
- string participant_tags - tags assigned to a participant (added by the study owner),
- int participant_quality_grade - participant's grade from 1 to 6 where:
- 1 = very low,
- 2 = low,
- 3 = average,
- 4 = good,
- 5 = very good,
- 6 = perfect;
- int participant_quality_grade_item - item's grade from 1 to 6 where:
- 1 = very low,
- 2 = low,
- 3 = average,
- 4 = good,
- 5 = very good,
- 6 = perfect;
- int test_item_display_order - a number indicating the order in which the items were displayed,
- string external_data_debug - all the external variables assigned to the participant (if applicable),
- int exposure_number - (only applicable for Website Mockup studies) indicates the time the participant saw an item, i.e., 1 means that the participant saw this item for the first time,
- notes - this column contains:
- RealEye version,
- fixation filter settings:
- gazepoint interpolation (Hz) - to improve calculations we interpolate the data to 60 Hz;
- gazepoint interpolation max gap (ms) - we interpolate data if the timestamp gap between two input values is not bigger than this value (50 ms);
- gaze velocity threshold;
- min. fixation duration (Ms);
- max. fixation duration (Ms);
- moving median range (Ms);
- saccade max duration (Ms);
- TestCriteria - data was downloaded for participants:
- age=min:max,
- isGenderMale={true/false},
- isGenderFemale={true/false},
- isGenderOther={true/false},
- isGenderNotSpecified={true/false},
- qualityMin={from1 to 6},
- qualityMax={from 1 to 6},
- tags={tag1},{tag2},...,
- keys=KEY{anykey},
- isParticipantTypeRealEye={true/false},
- isParticipantTypeNonRealEye={true/false},
- timestamp of when the file was downloaded.
- list aoi_fixations_order - order in which each participant viewed the AOI (each area may occur several times if a participant was looking back and forth).
See the CSV file for the sample study: