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Fixation Filter

Explore how RealEye identifies fixations by analyzing gaze duration, movement speed, and noise-filtered data.

How Does RealEye Compute Fixations?

Fixation is a sequence of gaze points that remain close in both time and space. RealEye uses an algorithm similar to the I-VT (Velocity-Threshold Identification) with the following criteria:

  • Maximum gaze duration is 33 ms, ending at the raw gaze timestamp.
  • Instead of angular velocity, RealEye uses velocity as a percentage of item size.
  • Fixation time expands if the gap between gazes is ≤50 ms.
  • Fixations require at least two gaze points.
  • Fixation coordinates are calculated as the average of all included gaze points.
  • Calculations use IEEE 754 double-precision format (14 decimal places).
  • Sampling Rate Requirement – The fixation filter works with data sampled at over 20 Hz.
  • AOI Fixation Inclusion – A fixation is considered part of an AOI (Area of Interest) if it begins within the AOI’s time range.


To determine whether a cluster of gazes qualifies as a fixation, we define several parameters:

- Noise Reduction Window: the TOI (Time of Interest) window used to denoise raw data by applying a moving median algorithm. Each gaze point is replaced by the median of nearby points within the TOI window, reducing noise influence. Default: 200 ms.

- Minimum Fixation Duration: the shortest time a gaze cluster (eye pause) must last to be considered a fixation. Typically ranges between 80–300 ms. Default: 80 ms.

- Maximum Fixation Duration: the longest time a gaze cluster can be considered a fixation before being split into multiple fixations. Default: 400 ms.

- Gaze Velocity Threshold: data below this threshold is classified as a fixation, while higher-speed data is a saccade. This filter can be set to 0 if an appropriate noise reduction level is applied. Default: 150%/s.

- Maximum Saccade Duration: the upper time limit for saccades. Default: 150 ms.


Check the Data Chart to see how different filter settings affect your results.


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