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Data export - all CSV files available


RealEye allows you to export your study results in the form of CSV files.

To do this, navigate to your study Results and select the desired files from the "Export Data" dropdown menu.

Available File Categories

You can download data filtered by item quality, including Raw Gazes, Fixations, and AOI-related CSVs. You also have the option to download CSV files with custom fixation filters applied.

Handling Large Files

If your files are too large and you encounter a timeout while downloading a CSV file, you can use the following parameters to split the file into smaller parts:

  • itemsLimit: Specifies the number of items to include in a single download.

  • itemsOffset: Indicates the starting number of the item from which the download should begin.

These parameters help manage the size of the downloaded file, preventing timeout issues.


NOTE: You can set filters while on the heatmap dashboard and click "Download" from the menu above the heatmap. All CSV files downloaded this way will include the applied heatmap and fixation filters.


NOTE2: If you’re using LibreOffice, ensure you split columns by comma (not by semicolon, which is the default setting).

You can also access a Drop-rate CSV file for all your studies.