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CSV file: AOI overall stats


The "AOI overall stats" CSV contains the same metrics that are included in AOI on the heatmap dashboard. There are the following fields:

  • string study_id - UUID,

  • string item_id - UUID,

  • string item_filename - the name of your file, as it was named while adding to the study,

  • string item_cdn_url - URL to the tested item saved on our servers,

  • int participant_count - for how many participants the eye-tracking data was collected for this item,

  • string aoi_id - UUID,

  • string aoi_name - the name that you give to an AOI while saving it,

  • JSON ARRAY aoi_item_parts - exact AOI parameters (contains many parts in case of multi AOI), depending on AOI's type has the following structure:


    "areaPoints": {
    "topLeft": {
    "xPx": int,
    "yPx": int,
    "bottomRight": {
    "xPx": int,
    "yPx": int,
    "timeRange": {
    "fromMs": int,
    "toMs": int,
    "size": {
    "overallPercents": float,
    "widthPercents": float,
    "heightPercents": float,


    "areaPoints": {
    "points": [
    { "x": float, "y": float, },
    { "x": float, "y": float, },
    "timeRange": {
    "fromMs": int,
    "toMs": int,
    "size": {
    "overallPercents": float,


    Main diffrence between structures is area points interpretation. For rectangle AOI points (top-left and bottom-right) are defined in pixels of an item. Polygon area is described by normalized points (from 0 to 1 ) ordered by drawing sequence.

  • float aoi_size_overall_percents - expressed as the percentage value relative to the size of the entire image,

  • int aoi_time_range_from_ms - the start time from which the values of the AOI were calculated (you can set this time with the orange slider under the heatmap),

  • int aoi_time_range_to_ms - the end time to which the values of the AOI were calculated (you can set this time with the orange slider under the heatmap),

  • int aoi_fixation_total_count - number of fixations within this area,

  • int aoi_fixation_average_ttff_ms - the amount of time that it takes participants (on average) to make the first fixation at this area (in milliseconds),

  • int aoi_fixation_average_total_time_spent_ms - the average amount of time that all the participant's fixations lasted in total (in milliseconds),

  • int aoi_fixation_average_fixation_duration_ms - the time that the average fixation lasted for (in milliseconds),

  • int aoi_fixation_average_first_fixation_duration_ms - the time that the average first fixation lasted for (in milliseconds),

  • int aoi_fixation_participant_ratio_percents - how many of all the participants looked at the given area (based on fixations),

  • int aoi_gaze_total_count - number of gazes within this area,

  • int aoi_gaze_average_time_to_first_gaze_at_ms - the amount of time that it takes participants (on average) to look at this area (in milliseconds),

  • int aoi_gaze_average_total_time_spent_ms - the average amount of time that a participant looked at the area based on gazes (in milliseconds),

  • int aoi_gaze_total_time_spent_ms - the total amount of time that all participants looked at the area based on gazes (in milliseconds),

  • float aoi_gaze_participant_ratio_percents - how many of all the participants looked at the given area (based on gazes),

  • int aoi_visit_total_count - AOI visit is detected if there's a fixation within the AOI (or many fixations "one after another"),

  • int aoi_revisit_total_count - how many times participants looked back at the AOI (in total),

  • float aoi_revisit_average_count - how many times participants looked back at the AOI (on average),


    If the participant didn't looked at the AOI, then visits = 0, revisits = 0.
    If the participant looked once at the AOI, then visits = 1, revisits = 0.
    If the participant looked N-times at the AOI, then visits = N, revisits = N-1.
    The " average revisits count takes into the account those who have not looked at the AOI (it includes those with 0 visits and revisits).
    We count separate visit if there's a long data gap between fixations.

  • int aoi_click_total_count - how many clicks all participants made within this AOI,

  • int aoi_click_average_time_to_first_click_ms - the amount of time that it takes participants (on average) to click at this area for the first time,

  • float aoi_k_coefficient - the average k-coefficient within this AOI,

  • notes - this column contains:

  • RealEye version,

  • fixation filter settings:

  • gazepoint interpolation (Hz) - to improve calculations we interpolate the data to 60 Hz;

  • gazepoint interpolation max gap (ms) - we interpolate data if the timestamp gap between two input values is not bigger than this value (50 ms);

  • gaze velocity threshold;

  • min. fixation duration (Ms);

  • max. fixation duration (Ms);

  • moving median range (Ms);

  • saccade max duration (Ms);

  • TestCriteria - data was downloaded for participants:

  • age=min:max,

  • isGenderMale={true/false},

  • isGenderFemale={true/false},

  • isGenderOther={true/false},

  • isGenderNotSpecified={true/false},

  • qualityMin={from1 to 6},

  • qualityMax={from 1 to 6},

  • tags={tag1},{tag2},...,

  • keys=KEY{anykey},

  • isParticipantTypeRealEye={true/false},

  • isParticipantTypeNonRealEye={true/false},

  • timestamp of when the file was downloaded.


See the CSV file for the sample study: