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Item settings


After uploading images, you can set a few properties for each of them independently:

  • change the file name (especially important if you clone and replace an item),
  • add an instruction for participants before chosen image (typed text will be displayed for each participant before this image),
  • set a follow-up survey after each image,
  • set display time (for how long the study participant should see the image - the default value is 10 s; remember, that study time is summed display time of all items, and it’s limited due to your subscription plan),
  • set separator time - the time of separator (cross) that is shown between items if the option is turned on in the study settings (the default time is 1.5 sec, as it was before),
  • set watermark opacity (option available only on request),
  • enable scroll for participants - if not enabled, then the image will fit the browser,
  • select a part of the image that, when clicked by a participant, will end a display (see: Item mapping); it can be changed before running the study,
  • finish item display when a participant presses any key on the keyboard.

NOTE: For the finish on click and the finish on keypress options, you can set a minimum display time (it shows once you set at least one of the item display finishing options). If you set this time, i.e., to 5 seconds, that means clicking/pressing a key won't work for the first 5 seconds of the item display. It can prevent skipping the item too fast by participants.

On top of each image, there are four more options available:

  • clone item (with all its settings; it will be placed as the last one),
  • pin the image (it will always be displayed in this particular place, even if the random order is turned on),
  • move the image to change their order,
  • delete an image.

You can also replace the image:


For the video items, you can:

  • change the file name,
  • add an instruction for participants before a video,
  • set a follow-up survey after each video,
  • set separator time,
  • set the watermark opacity,
  • enable scroll (it's disabled for videos by default; option available in beta),
  • finish item display on click,
  • finish item display when a participant presses any key on the keyboard.

You can also enable original video file.


NOTE: In case you run a website mockup study, item settings are a bit different. Please check this article, to learn more.



There is one more item type - Page URL.

For this kind of stimuli, you can setup instructions, survey, maximum display time, and separator time. You can also replace the automatically created screenshot with your own by clicking the "replace" button.

To learn more, read our article about the Embedded Website study type.