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Study settings


To create a new study, click the “New Study” button from the menu on the left side. You'll have to choose what type of study you want to create: images, video, or a live website. 

NOTE: If you want to create a "Website Mockup" study, please read this article to learn about its settings, and if you want to create an "Embedded Website" study, please read this article.

After that, you'll be able to set study options.

Here you can name your study and choose the proper options:

  • choose your fielding devices: desktop (laptop/PC), tablets or smartphones,
  • do you want the uploaded items (pictures, videos) to be shown in the order you put them or random (random makes it less likely that the order of items will affect the way that participants "read" the images, and you can check the order in which a participant saw the images by checking his recording),
  • do you want to show a separator between images (this will help participants' eyes to relax),
  • do you want to ask the participants for their name, gender, and age at the end of the test (this works only for your own participants, we can't show this automatic survey to participants hired by RealEye),
  • do you want to show a popup asking to correct head position if a participant moves too much (recommended, turned on by default),
  • do you want to let participants see their recordings or, if that option isn't checked, the "thank you" page/redirection (BETA),
  • do you want to conduct the study with an external tool (you won’t be able to use RealEye panelists with an external survey and you’ll have to invite your own ones).
  • do you want to add an additional instruction step:


For screen recording studies, you can also enable options:

  • "Enable Voice Over (BETA)" - to record what participants say while testing the website (their comments),
  • "Open tested website with test parameters (BETA)" - do you want to pass the external variables to the tested website.


For the last option, you can decide if you want to attach information about the participant (RealEye Id, participant's quality grade) or not, as some of the external tools (panels, survey platforms) have some issues with those variables. Attaching those variables is turned on by default.

You can change these settings at any time by clicking the first step: "Study settings".

There are also two fields:

  • Optional intro message, i.e., "Look for a product you think looks the best." - it's a general instruction to this study, displayed after calibration and before the test,
  • Optional message after the test, i.e., "Please return to the main survey" - this text is displayed after the test on the "Thank you" page (if the "finish URL" isn't set).


If you have the additional eye-tracker integration option enabled (smartphone as an additional eye-tracker or hardware GP3 eye-tracker), then you'll be able to choose the eye-tracking setup for your studies in the study settings:

There is also a possibility to add other hardware eye-trackers or to run a RealEye study without eye-tracking or facial coding feature.