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Finish on keystroke (IAT/IRT studies)


The "Finish on keystroke" option is a similar feature to the "finish on click" option. Both end item display (image or video) after a participant makes an action:

  • click on the mapped area,
  • press any key on a keyboard (especially useful for IAT/IRT studies).

If a participant doesn't click/press a key, the item display will end after set "display time".


You can turn on the option in the item settings (it's turned off by default) while creating the study:

You can not choose which keys can be pressed. The "finish on keystroke" option ends the item display after pressing ANY key. But you can give the instructions before each item, i.e.:

Press "A" if you like the image and "L" if you don't.

You'll see which keys were hit (and after what time) on the participant's results after clicking the "See test flow" button:

and aggregated results (keys with an average time to press them) for each of the items (on the "Items" tab), after clicking "See details":


NOTE: For the finish on click and the finish on keypress options, you can set a minimum display time (it shows once you set at least one of the item display finishing options). If you set this time, i.e., to 5 seconds, that means clicking/pressing a key won't work for the first 5 seconds of the item display. It can prevent skipping the item too fast by participants.