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How to get accurate results?


Simple tricks to get the highest quality results from webcam eye-tracker.


To get the best webcam eye-tracking results, please follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Webcam MUST be mounted on a screen that displays stimuli. Webcam image MUST be very steady - make sure the whole setup does not shake, i.e., do not keep the laptop on your knees.
  2. A panelist MUST sit in front of the webcam. Webcam SHOULD be slightly below the panelist's eye level.
  3. Panelist's face SHOULD be in good lighting. The lighting SHOULD NOT change during the whole test. There MUST be only one face caught by the webcam.
  4. Panelist's eyes MUST be clearly visible in the webcam video. Panelist's face size SHOULD be at least 1/3 of the webcam picture. We recommend panelists NOT TO wear glasses if possible. Glasses MUST NOT limit pupils' visibility for the webcam.
  5. A panelist SHOULD sit comfortably and SHOULD try to keep head still. It is highly recommended to use a chair with a headrest - Panelist should rest her/his head. Otherwise, the panelist could support his/her head on his/her arm.
  6. Make sure hardware and software requirements are met.

What accuracy can you get with the right setup?

On average, you should expect around 100 px precision.




For more details, please check the following articles about webcam eye-tracking: