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Study Preview


You can see what your study looks like for participants by clicking the Preview button (bottom right on the page). It will open the test in a new tab with all your participant instructions and settings. This way, you can see what the test will look like for participants and if needed, you can make some changes to the study/item settings. You can launch a full preview, with the normal calibration process or a quick preview, with only 5 calibration points, to reduce the time needed for the task.

Preview won't count as one of your results.

You can also share your study preview with anyone with the public preview option. So you can show the study flow to your client or team members to approve the study design without launching the study and using a single participant.


NOTE: Anyone with the link can test the study draft. No results will be stored until the study is launched. The public preview link is exactly the same as the launched study participation link.


NOTE2: You can mark the option to save preview results. These tests will count as regular participants' results.