Learn how to use RealEye.io - Online Research Platform with Webcam Eye-Tracking

Beata Lewandowska
Written by Beata Lewandowska

CSV file: Raw Facial Coding

The "Raw Facial Coding" CSV file allows you to download the facial coding data and contains the following fields:

  • string participant_id - UUID,
  • string participant_external_id - UUID,
  • int participant_age - participant's age given at the end of the study; could be undefined if the participant did not provide this info,
  • int participant_gender - participant's gender given at the end of the study: 0 - female, 1 - male, 2 - other; could be undefined if the participant did not provide this info,
  • string participant_display_gender - participant's gender given at the end of the study; could be undefined if the participant did not provide this info,
  • string participant_tags - tags assigned to a participant (added by the study owner),
  • int participant_quality_grade - participant's grade from 1 to 6 where:
  • 1 = very low,
  • 2 = low,
  • 3 = average,
  • 4 = good,
  • 5 = very good,
  • 6 = perfect;
  • int participant_quality_grade_item - item's grade from 1 to 6 where:
  • 1 = very low,
  • 2 = low,
  • 3 = average,
  • 4 = good,
  • 5 = very good,
  • 6 = perfect;
  • string item_id - UUID,
  • string test_id - UUID,
  • timestamp test_created_at - when a participant provided the result,
  • int test_duration - stimuli view time in ms (it may be shorter than defined in settings sue to image mapping with clicks or keystrokes),
  • int test_browser_width - participant's screen width in pixels,
  • int test_browser_height - participant’s screen height in pixels,
  • int test_item_display_order - a number indicating the order in which the items were displayed,
  • int exposure_number - (only applicable for Website Mockup studies) indicates the time the participant saw an item, i.e., 1 means that the participant saw this item for the first time,
  • JSON ARRAY test_facial_coding_raw_data - facecodeInfo[], array of info about emotions as shown below:
  • int facecodeInfo[0] - timestamp; samples are taken each 30 ms (at 0ms, 30 ms, 60 ms, etc.)
  • float facecodeInfo[1] - "neutral" emotion in scale from 0 to 1,
  • float facecodeInfo[2] - "happy" emotion in scale from 0 to 1,
  • float facecodeinfo[3] - "surprise" emotion in scale from 0 to 1,
  • float facecodeInfo[4] - k-coefficient value,
  • test_kFactor_mean - k-coefficient mean value.
  • notes:
  • RealEye version,
  • participantQualityGradeItemMin=X - CSV file can be downloaded filtered by the item quality grade, where X is a value from 1 (very low) to 6 (perfect).
  • timestamp of when the file was downloaded,
  • string external_data_debug - all the external variables assigned to the participant (if applicable).

See the CSV files for the sample study:

API: https://www.realeye.io/docs/api/#facial-coding-data-export
